curious about body sculpting?

Lipo Cavitation & Radio Frequency (non-invasive fat reduction).

Need a little help getting the body shape you want?

Or you just want to expedite the results of your diet and exercise routine?

Maybe it's time for Lipo-Cavitation & Radio Frequency, also known as Body Sculpting.

This client works out regularly and eats right but needed a little help with fat reduction. This result was achieved with just 3 treatments!

What is Body Sculpting?

Body Sculpting combines ultrasound lipo-cavitation and radio frequency for a highly potent body sculpting treatment. It is an easy and highly effective non-surgical alternative for liposuction resulting in a loss of body circumference. Ultrasound accurately targets fat and cellulite, transmitting powerful sound energy pulses into the fat. This damages the fat cells, causing them to shrink. Radio frequency uses energy to heat the deeper layers of tissue, reducing the size of the fat cells, promoting collagen production and increasing blood flow. These modalities work synergistically for effective fat removal, cellulite reduction, body shaping, and skin tightening. The result is liposuction without a knife. Best results from a series of 3 or more treatments.

Does it hurt?

Not at all! In fact, it feels like a light massage.

How far apart should you schedule treatments?

The body requires 3 days to properly eliminate the fat. Treatments can be scheduled 4-7 days apart.

How much does it cost?

$175 for a single treatment or $450 for a package of 3 treatments. Best results from a series of 3 or more treatments.

Guidelines for Optimal Results

•no food for 2 hours prior to treatment

•no food for 1 hour following treatment

•do not schedule treatment while menstruating

•drink at least 2 liters of water a day for 3 days, starting the day of treatment

•no alcohol for 3 days, starting the day of treatment

•follow low fat diet for 3 days, starting the day of treatment

•exercise/walk for at least 30 minutes a day for 3 days, starting the day of treatment

Can everyone have body sculpting?

No, not everyone is a candidate for body sculpting. The following is a list of contraindications.

  • pregnant or breastfeeding

  • metal implants in treatment area or pacemaker

  • lymphatic disorders

  • liver problems

  • diabetes (unless well managed and written release from a Doctor)

  • cancer

  • other acute illness

Face Loft reserves the right to withhold this service from anyone that is not a good candidate for their protection and ours. If you have a specific concern, please do not hesitate to call PRIOR to making an appointment.